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[REBOL] Re: help: [ Some questions ]

From: jason:cunliffe:verizon at: 8-Mar-2002 18:31

Hi Norman.. Welcome!
> Well yes im new to Rebol, studying it, sleeping with it > tRying to think like it and even eating it dies days... > AfteR some 15 yeaRs of stRuggle and fun with all the nice pRogramming > languages on the maRket, I must say soRRy folks!, > theRe can only be ONE! :-) That for suRe is Rebol !
I know the feeling :-) Of course, there are always many.. But Rebol is Fun.
> * WheRe did the Rebol/plugin go?
Killed by Microsoft I think around about IE5.5 Mine worked for couple of glorious days then I [accidentally] said 'yes' to upgrade somEthIng..poof no more. {sigh} Casualty of M$ own "Evil Axis" burn-the-crops strategy I think before .NET really hits the Casbah. No Plugins, No bundled JAVA in XP etc..
> * And my second thought I would like to launch: > "Anyone woRking with Rebol/Runtime? heRe?" > I would like to have some infoRmation fRom an active user ;-)
That's perhaps the #1 FAQ and delicate issue. Sorry I don't know. ./Jason