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[REBOL] Re: How to change the font of a button ?

From: maximo::meteorstudios::com at: 30-Jun-2003 14:21

I usually create my fonts in advance and switch between the different versions dynamically, in order to reduce the amount of ram being used by each face. try this: gui: layout [ abutton: button "rebol est cool" 150x30 [face/font: either ((face/font) = font-a) [:font-b][:font-a] show face] ] font-a: make abutton/font [ size: 12 ] font-b: make font-a [ size: 18 ] abutton/font: font-a view gui by clicking on the button, you should toggle between each font each time you press on the button... The reason I built the layout before the font is that the vid button style adds the /colors attribute to the font object... by makin a font from the allocated button, the fonts created are sure to have any other custom attributes added by the style. -maxim