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[REBOL] Re: language shootout, ubf, soap, ..

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 8-Nov-2002 20:30

Volker Nitsch wrote:
>rebol is a message-format too. >how about including message-examples? >clients and servers for soap, xml and rebol in different languages? >having rebol-parsers in other languages could be handy. >
The problem is - interoperability .... having rebol parsers in another languages would be interesting, but I am not sure it would be so practical. Having Rebol supporting SOAP etc. XML kind of stuff would be more interesting imo :-) One interesting thing I noticed while negotiating with several company partners .... we all know there is SOAP etc. kind of stuff, web-services, but none is using it yet :-) Maybe companies are still waiting for the right tools which support SOAP etc. in a more automatic way, as in the end programmers would not need to care of SOAP etc. at all. :-) I haven't read all messages in this thread yet, but has anyone considered PHP? I saw Perl mentioned and my opinion is that we could easily leave Perl ... who would use it anyway? ;-) PHP is king of Unix web related server scripting imo. It gains more and more attention .... I would like to see some tests of language interoperability, e.g. mySQL and PostGresSQL (or others) used with Rebol vs PHP .... Anyway, probably a bit separate topic ..... -pekr-