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[REBOL] Emails with Attachments

From: ctaredu::crosswinds::net at: 12-May-2001 13:56

how are y'all doin'? the requirement was of sending email to multiple recipients, individually addressed. the simple line taken from rebolcore-13.html, from the subsection titled Multiple Recipients send [[luke--rebol--com][ben--example--com]] message does the job pretty well. now, the boss wanted attachments.. so i got the script from added a few lines to the end like this: emails: [ [guy1--abc--com] [gal1--xyz--com] ] header: make system/standard/email [ from: "Hooded Claw <hoodedc @ >" Subject: "FIY : update" organization: "asdf" ] foreach email emails [ header/to: email mail read %first.txt header [%attached.doc %attached2.doc] ] this sends the attachments as required, but now it is working one mail at a time.. so if there are several recipients, the mail is sent to each one, one by one... i hope you guys are still with me. i was just wondering if i have missed something here.. and if there is a way to send mails, with attachments, the simple way. This would now be simply an academic exercise... because my boss just told me that he wants each email to carry customised salutation .. like Dear John, and Dear Mary... This definately means individual emails. BTW.. I managed to write the required scripts in Rebol.. in 3 hours (from DOWNLOAD to successful emailing)... of course.. a lot of this is plug and play type stuff... and i dont really understand the mechanisms.. but i think rebol is cool. have fun guys