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[ALLY] Re: How can I hide the field?

From: arolls:bigpond:au at: 9-Apr-2001 22:42

You can hide/show, like this (press the button): view layout [f: field button [hide/show f]] or look at this: rebol [ Author: "Allen Kamp" ] view layout [ button "Click me to hide!" 120 feel [engage: func [f a e][hide f ]] ] ;a bit more elaborate view layout [ button "Click me to hide!" 120 feel [ engage: func [face action event][ switch action [ down [face/state: on] alt-down [face/state: on] up [if face/state [hide face exit] face/state: off] alt-up [if face/state [hide face exit] face/state: off] over [face/state: on] away [face/state: off] ] cue face action show face ] ] ] or my way: code: [ lay: layout compose [ t: toggle "button" "field" g: (either t/text = "button" [[button "button"]][[field "field"]]) button "review" [unview/only lay do code view lay] ] ] do code view lay Hope it solves your problem. Anton.