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[ALLY] Re: Amiga setup tip

From: carl:cybercraft at: 8-Aug-2000 18:29

On 08-Aug-00, [steve--shireman--maxonusa--com] wrote:
> I searched the list to see if anyone had mentioned this, but I had > hit some trouble getting my A3000 to run Rebol/View. (EGS chipset) > At first I thought it needed more memory. > However, the problem I had was that my screen was too low of a > resolution for the demo window size. > So there are two work arounds at least: > Make a user.r which has > demo: off > or > What I did was make a big virtual screen of my same resolution, and > that gave enough pixels for the demo to run, which was then bigger > than my monitor.
I hit they same problem when I tested View on a default Workbench settup. The Demo's Welcome window requires a screen of about 680x540 (just checked) while some of the View examples in the REBOL library may require anything up to 1024x768. When you try to open a REBOL window that's too large for your screen, does your Amiga lock-up when you try to quit the console? That's what I get on my Workbench3.0 A1200.
> Just call me a lores guy. > (Or maybe I just want my RebTV!) > So has anyone got a way to show ILBM or picture datatypes? > jpegs had a nice fast decode...
You're on your own with that I think, as support for system-specific features such as Amiga datatypes isn't really the REBOL way. You'll need to convert your ILBMs to GIFs (or perhaps JPGs if they're greater than 256 colours) before you can have View display them. Carl Read.