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[REBOL] Re: view-linux

From: gerardcote:sympatico:ca at: 1-Jun-2002 20:46

Hi Patrick, as an old Unix user I suppose you simply have to get the exec privileges - inside a particular group or as any other user of the system or else to become the new owner of the rebol executable. To help you start with the doc without involving all the details, simply look for the following commands in your Linux User guide or in the online help Linux system : chown (Change Owner or Group) newgrp (New Group), chmod (Change Mode). For example a simple "chmod 755 your-path/rebol" actually gives read and exec 5 in octal is 101 for r-x , the - is for no-write permissions to the group members of the file and also to all the users of the system while restricting the write privileges to the owner of the file (here the root account) as in octal 7 (111 for rwx). Hope it will help you to start in this vast new world ... Regards, Gerard