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[REBOL] Re: Reference docs for View

From: geza67:freestart:hu at: 9-Jul-2001 6:52

Hello Rod,
> As a paying owner of View/Pro I will make an official request > to RT for proper docs on View and let the list know the response.
Maybe I am too pessimistic about the business world (hey, I am living in an ex-communist country ;-))) ), but I imagine three alternatives upon your official request to RT: 1. A list of on-line resources which have been put together _mostly_ by REBOL activists (e.g. paying _consumers_ of REBOL) not the company itself. (Well, the company's HOWTO topic collection is growing but is sufficient for a showup only, not for as real, solid reference materials.) 2. A nice "cool-down" message: "We are working on it 0-24h !!!" ;-))) 3. Well, they won't say that, merely _think_ : "What do you expect for fifty bucks ... ???" (/View/Pro) /Command being also cheap for a professional tool. Nevertheless, external library support is included in ALL of the free, open source scripting languages (well, WHY hasn't the growing ambitious REBOL community including me opt for Perl or Python --- it is another story, though... :-)) ) and it is a sneaky marketing politics, making the self-containing "hermetic" version of REBOL free and the system-connectable one THE product. It would have been more fair that they include shell access in the public version and release the industry-strength ODBC interface in the commercial version. It is wise that encryption is included not in the free but in the payware /Pro versions, but the toy-level sound support as a companion ... ;-)) I am very cautious about REBOL's future. Carl et al are wonderful people, opened a whole new dimension of programming, turning atavistic paradigms 180 o , but their marketing strategy and efforts to "spread the Word" is ultimately questionable. The world's programming society is moving from proprietary toward open source, relentlessly seeking independence from commercial suppliers. I am really expecting that some day an open source REBOL project (hey, what is with OSCAR ???) will _compete_ with (but not _strand_ !) RT's implementation. With this kind of attitude of RT REBOL will never boom as some worthless hypes (like J*va) succeeded both in profit and intellectual terms. Sorry for my spicy tongue ;-) but I WANNA use REBOL and WOULD pay for a complete implementation, i.e. program + full comprehensive (electronic) _DOCS_ ! -- Best regards, Geza mailto:[geza67--freestart--hu]