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[REBOL] Re: (no subject)

From: robbo1mark:aol at: 6-Jul-2001 12:22

NO JEFF, I must strongly object! We don't have different standards, different abilities and different access to resources then yes. You get paid full time to work on REBOL, write REBOL & native code, and have full access to all parts of the system as well as the people who wrote the different parts of REBOL that you didn't help write personally. IT WAS YOU WHO SUGGESTED TRYING TO IMPLEMENT ZERO INDEXING BY REDEFINING WORDS. I took up the challenge for the fun of it, however I have a full time pressing day job and can only "Hack" at REBOL and everything else inmy spare time so I suppose IAM what I've heard RT folks term a "Hobbyist". I didn't write ANY of the REBOL mezzanine code so when trying to FIND and replace redefine words how else do you suggest that somebody attempts it other than trying to SEARCH for what your looking for and REPLACE it if you think it makes sense. So yes that's MUTILATION if the folks who really know where everything is and what needs to be changed WON'T do anything at all to try & help you. Therefore an open source approach of "with enough eyeballs all bugs are shallow" I posted what I had and appealed to those on the List who are interested in ZERO INDEXING to help me incrementally refine and improve the code until it doesn't break anything and is not a mutilation as you so kindly put it. It hurts my brain too knowing that with the "right" HELP the task could be approached so much better and the desired results produced so much more cleanly and quicker. Okay so you don't agree with zero indexing nor think that would have a beneficial effect on achieving the "goals" of REBOL. But what about the goals of your users? Nobody would be forced to use a completed & highly polished ZERO-INDEX patch, people would only use it if they wanted and if they felt it made REBOL seem more intuitive or easier for them. If you are correct then these people are in the minority, and that may be so, but do their needs not matter? Nobody would be "harmed" by a zero-index patch, some people might benefit, so is that a wrong thing to aspire to or to try to help to create? YOU have more talent, expertise and resources than me, that much is obvious, why not practice what you preach about being a good list member and help me out here rather than only offering unconstructive criticism and negativity. Maybe YOU & most others wouldn't like or use the zero-index-patch, that's fine that's your perogative, but why not respect the people who might and offer some helpful advice & constructive support to your users / supporters / customers who would prefer zero based indexing. I don't want to mutilate REBOL, I want zero-indexing and logical equivalence of zero, none, false values etc. If as you put it Iam making a pig's ear of things then for goodness sake HELP me, put me on the right tracks. I'll do all the donkey work if you give me a prescription of what needs to be done.
>> Pick [false true] none
== false looks just as pretty as ...
>> Pick [ 1 2 ] false
== 2 Surely this is an "aesthetic" difference / preference about style and correctness. If you agree with that then why is it so heinous for people to disagree with you? The ball as they say is back in your court. cheers my REBOL friend 8-) Mark Dickson
>> Also why do you have to use words like "relentless quest" >> and "mutilate" why not "interesting changes" and "trying to >> resolve peacefully an ongoing issue". > > I wouldn't use words like "interesting changes" -- "resolve > blah blah" because that wouldn't be my opinion. To me, > blind search and replace hacks on any moderately sized > software system is the definition of reckless and capricious > software mutilation. And watching it with REBOL as the > target just hurts my brain. :-) > > I suppose we have different standards, Mark.