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[REBOL] How to improve request-file ?

From: jason::cunliffe::verizon::net at: 21-Jan-2002 21:05

Apologies if this is becoming a FAQ.. Q: How can I improve request-file? features drivin me nuts + wishlist: a. I can't resize it .. and it truncate filenames :-(( b. /file option is handy but I need it to default to open in specified directory, but where I do not know the names of any files there in advance. ie: I need /folder option c. Dir: window is *pathetically* small and cannot be resized. Unbelievable to me in 2002 that anyone creates an interface this primitive for something so basic. d: Does not respond to the mouse-wheel [I know that's an cross OS problem, but is there any way to make it work in some systems??] e. There is no doubleclicking on filenames. Users have to click first on filename to 'select it' then again on OPEN, SAVE or whatver one names the action button. f. I want to add a 'rotate' type button next to the top path field near wher it says "parent". This would allow one to cycle though the previous N path entries. /path option would be a block one could preload. This could make it very userfriendly epsecially if one coudl cotrnol the text label easily on teh rotate button. g. No history... I really want a popup selector with access to request-file history. This would extend the very useful /keep refinement, making it more like FileEx dialog tool for Win32 or others which offer rich history shortcuts: recent files, recent folders, favorite files, favorite folders etc. When doing intensive and repetitive multimedia transfer operations, these are incredible timesavers. h. Visited indication. Styled text: color text with highlight background tint as required. This is sort of a byproduct of history. Files which have been accessed before [since whenever history was defined to start] will be styled differently just like a:link, a:hover, a:visited, in CSS thanks ./Jason