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[REBOL] Re: Using "repeat" in write/append/lines

From: tomc:darkwing:uoregon at: 4-May-2004 12:13

On Tue, 4 May 2004, ML wrote:
> I am adding lines to a text file and it is one of those things that I want to print out as many asterisks as is listed in a variable to make a simple graph. So here is the effect I am after: > > 2pm : **** > 3pm : ** > 4pm : ********* > > The thing is how do I "print" those asterisks when I am outputting to file. I don't know what to put in the repeat function. > > When trying out this on the console, I would try a command like: > > write/append/lines %output.txt repeat i 10 ["*"]
repeat i 10 [write/append/lines %output.txt "*"] should do it