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[REBOL] Re: rebol protocol

From: chalz:earthlink at: 13-Dec-2002 18:18

> If you copy the following into a text file and save it with the .reg > extension and click on it, it will add the proper stuff to your
Gotcha. Okay, I know how to do that much. *grins* Thanks :)
> as a general rule it's not considered good to use reg files anymore as > they have no logic in them, so one should use wscript, but as I know > what it is I want to do I'll just use the .reg file.
Uh, okay. And that's easier for me to understand, I think ;) I don't know if I've got Windows Scripting Host installed anyways, if that's what's required for wscript... Well, no worries. If I get confused, I'll just ask for verification :) --Charles