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[REBOL] Table-Columns

From: al::bri::xtra::co::nz at: 3-Jan-2003 16:26

Hi! I've been writing up a lot of tables in HTML lately (using my ML dialect) and noticed that I've been repeating myself. So I worked out a function to do the repetition for me: Table-Columns: func [Columns [block!]] [ compose/deep [ thead [ tr [( map Columns func [Column [word!]] [ compose [ th (form Column) ] ] )] ] tbody [( map transpose reduce Columns func [Row [block!]] [ compose/deep [ tr [( map Row func [Item] [ compose either any [ number? Item money? Item ] [ [td/align "right" (form Item)] ] [ [td (form Item)] ] ] )] ] ] )] ] ] 'Table-Columns takes the names of 1 or more column block, and generate ML dialect for the cells, rows, body and header of the table. One can use it like this: Area: iota 1 10 Radius: map Area func [Area] [square-root Area / pi] Volume: map Radius func [Radius] [(4 * pi * power Radius 3) / 3] Surface: map Radius func [Radius] [4 * pi * power Radius 2] write File: %Geometry.html ML compose/deep [ html [ head [ title "Geometry" ] body [ table/border/rules "border" "groups" [( Table-Columns [Area Radius Volume Surface] )] ] ] ] browse File Which produces a HTML file showing the relationships between area, radius, surface. Of course, you'll need my 'Arguments, 'Map, 'ML, 'Transpose functions to make this work. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169