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[REBOL] Segmentation fault

From: varnoux:atmel at: 6-Nov-2003 17:03

Hi List, I run into a seg fault when I do the following : display_list: copy [[][][][][]] summary_file: read/lines %big_file job_selected: "My string" i: 0 foreach line summary_file [ probe i: (i + 1) tmp: parse probe line "" print "Test" if job_selected = tmp/2 [ append display_list/1 tmp/1 append display_list/2 tmp/3 append display_list/4 tmp/4 append display_list/3 tmp/5 append display_list/5 tmp/6 ] ] %big_file is an ASCII file with approx. 14000 lines, and another such loop already deals with that variable (summary_file). It works for the first loop, but not the second one... The segmentation fault occurs between just after the counter display (without doing the probe of "line"). Any idea anyone ? Vincent