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[REBOL] Dialling Out Re:

From: d95-mjo:nada:kth:se at: 30-Aug-2000 18:05

I don't know if this is what you're looking for in this particular case, but I have made a tiny DLL to make it easier to call the Win32 RAS functions from REBOL/Command without all the annoying Win32 structs. The DLL currently has function wrappers for RasDial, RasHangup and RasGetConnectStatus. You can find the source for the DLL here: and the /Command example script here: I've only tested it in Win98 and Win2000, but it seems to work. Obviously, this requires the /Command experimental version for Win9x/NT/2000. :-) /Martin Johannesson, [d95-mjo--nada--kth--se] On Wed, 30 Aug 2000 [justin--halls--brunel--ac--uk] wrote: