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[REBOL] attach.r usage examples ?

From: philb:upnaway at: 7-Oct-2001 21:00

Hi Jason, Asuming this scripts lives in the same directory as attach.r & bay.jpg you can try rebol [] ; assumes bay.jpg & attach.r are in the same direcory do %attach.r lv-header: make system/standard/email [ Subject: "A subject Line" to: [philb--upnaway--com] from: [philb--upnaway--com] date: to-idate now Content-Type: {text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"} ] lv-att: [%bay.jpg] mail "Some Content" lv-header lv-att halt Cheers Phil -- original message -- Please can anyone be so kind as to provide some syntax examples of how to use attach.r thanks - Jason