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[REBOL] Re: to-hex

From: hallvard::ystad::helpinhand::com at: 11-Sep-2001 16:19

pekr wrote (Tuesday 11.09.2001, at 11.24):
>load rejoin ["#{" "F2" "}"] - that cludgy way you get binary :-) then you >can convert to integer >[...] >maybe 'debase could help you, but it is buggy in current rebol >implementation ...
I've been looking at debase too, but as you say, it's buggy. If I were to convert hex characters manually in java (that's where I "come from"), I'd use a switch statement. Any suggestions to how I should do it in rebol? Here's a java sample: switch (character) { case ('0') return "0000" case ('1') return "0001" case ('2') return "0010" (...) case ('d') return "1101" case ('e') return "1110" case ('f') return "1111" } Obviously, this should be done with a one-liner, but since debase is so hard to figure out, I'm willing to do a little more work. Any help greatly appreciated. ~H