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[REBOL] [faq]

From: rebol665:ifrance at: 19-Jan-2002 12:41

Hi rebollers, <remainder>When something seems to me not obvious, or difficult to remember, I made a memo of it. From time to time, I rewrite this memo too make a FAQ. I intend to make these FAQ available in a near future. Every new FAQ is first sent to the reboller for remark and validation.</remainder> How to initialize a check-box ? Short answer : With 'with [data: on] Problem illustration : In the following layout, both checks are unchecked, which is the default. Rebol [title: "FAQ"] view center-face layout [ banner "Check-boxes" across check text "check box n° 1" check text "check box n° 2" ] Problem resolution : Rebol [title: "FAQ"] view center-face layout [ banner "Check-boxes" across check with [data: on] text "check box n° 1" check with [data: off] text "check box n° 2" ] Patrick