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[REBOL] Re: rebol to bash?

From: spliff:ains:au at: 30-Jan-2001 19:47

Hi Tom, It's exactly this issue that forced me to stop using Rebol. Every other language i've come across allows me to make use of the amazing variety of command-line tools on UNIX such as ls, grep, locate etc and store the stdout in a variable for further processing. REBOL/Command lets you do this but only at a price of US$300. This is the primary reason why I am trading in REBOL for tcl 'tickle'. This language has a similar structure to rebol but can access external commands. For example: set newline = "\n" puts "The following users are logged in $newline [exec users]" This is very similar to rebol syntax except you can merge strings with variables more easily than using 'print 'form 'rejoin combinations. Tcl also understands blocks in a similar way to rebol: REBOL [] ; a REBOL script foreach number [1 2 3] [ switch :number [ 1 [print "One"] 2 [print "Two"] 3 [print "Three"] ] ] # A tcl script foreach number {1 2 3} { switch $number { 1 {puts "one";} 2 {puts "two";} 3 {puts "three";} } } Tcl/Tk also has an excellent windowing system with much clearer syntax than the 'faces' of REBOL/View. But best of all Tcl doesn't time out - ever - which in REBOL is driving me batsh!t. I'm sure many will agree with that last statement if nothing else. REBOL is a fantasic language and I love the syntax but problems with controlling ports, using parse and particularly interacting with external applications makes it pretty useless for managing UNIX servers, which is basically what I need. Fortunaetly I can still take advantage of some of REBOL's better features by calling it from Tcl scripts like this: exec rebol --do send [sales--rebol--com] "Sorry... Can't afford it"; Like they say Tom, "The right tools for the right job!" SpliFF On Mon, 29 Jan 2001 [balayo--mindspring--com] wrote: