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[REBOL] Re: The future of the web will be based on personal computing

From: moliad::gmail::com at: 23-Mar-2007 9:01

my two cents, languages and most technologies, in fact, on the fringe NEVER get the push to become mainstream until MS nudges through their corporate platform. name it, sharepoint is just another example, there are thousands of collaborative systems. but the only one which will make a real impact will be sharepoint. MS only moves on things that WILL make money... its what they do. so they let everyone break their necks, and then buy out or copy the guys with the good ideas but no more cash. Java would not have taken off really unless MS had (sort of) supported it. look at flash... even though its installed practically anywhere, its still a fringe application used only for simple web development (by the masses I mean). if MS where to buy it out or make their own Flash interpreter... they would then integrate it everywhere and suddenly, you'd hear about Flash in every MS discussion and suddenly, it would become a mainstream dev platform, and many would use it for other things. (powerpoint?) basically, if you invent something, and MS decides to copy/buy/trample you, that's your indication for success... MS only moves when things are ready for success, and with their money, can give the final push to make it happen for real. This doesn't remove the need and desire for other systems, only that if you want to generate REVENUE, then the only juggernaught is still today MS. Some current players ARE changing the landscape though, and Google has definitively taken MS by surprise by their business model... but that is just it... its not the technology behind Google which is superior... its their business model... most of googles products are dead simple, and border on the barely usefull. so we must only continue to use REBOL increase the userbase, improve it and continue to offer faster response times. its a swiss army knive... just use it. -MAx On 3/23/07, Ed O'Connor <> wrote: