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[REBOL] Calling rebol under a non cmd.exe shell in windows.

From: marten:hildell:gma:il at: 6-Jan-2010 18:06

Hi, I have some shell scripts that I use under bash but run under cygwin or msys on windows (and under Linux and OS X) The problem with this and rebol is that I must use use something like this: $ powershell -Command "r3-a96.exe scripts\extract_req.r > result.txt" OR $ cmd.exe /S /K "r3-a96.exe scripts\extract_req.r > result.txt && exit" to make it work. This will of course not run under any other OS unless I check for it. Is there any particular reason why this crashes with "REBOL System Error #1405" when called directly under those shells? Any workaround? Cheers, Marten