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[REBOL] Re: Rebol Standard Library

From: al:bri:xtra at: 21-Jan-2002 21:00

pekr wrote:
> I remember such discussion being held here some time ago (maybe even
several times :-). Those who do not learn history are condemmed to repeat it. :-) IIRC, we decided to just wait for modules to arrive from Rebol HQ. But they haven't arrived yet.
> As for 'home - allow it being a block - if one location is not available,
your app could contact another one. Definitely. Like: Home: [ ]
> Then also - 'Needs field should be involved, for controlling version if
script,... Currently I've implemented 'Needs as a block of files that are required to be 'do-ne before the current script is 'do-ne. That's in my scripts in %Values/ and implemented in %Values.r
> and - think of security issues too. E.g. scripts checksummed, or something
like that? Perhaps a checksum field in header, or as part of packaging of script. Andrew Martin ICQ: 26227169