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[REBOL] ML oddity

From: hallvard::ystad::babelserver::org at: 17-Mar-2007 21:20

Weird... Some of you have experienced different weirdities with this ML. I have had trouble too - my mailserver hasn't been able to talk to the rebolist mailserver, it kept getting an error like =ABconnection reset by peer=BB... Until now, my solution was to subscribe with a gmail account and have all mail forwarded. The disadvantage was that I didn't bother participating in discussions, because I had to log into gmail to be able to post. Last week we moved the server. It has a new IP, a different location in Oslo and (probably most important) a different mail server installed. I resubscribed, and although I didn't get any final confirmation email from ecartis, I was able to post. Proof: But then ten minutes ago, I posted again on the same thread. And Ecartis suddenly told me =ABList 'rebol' closed to public posts=BB - I was unsubscribed. Certainly not by me! Resubscribing again was no problem, and this time I even got the confirmation email. I reposted the unaccepted message, and if all goes right in your different corners of the world, you just received it (I just did myself). I hope I can stay subscribed this time. And I wish this odd behaviour would cease... Regards, HY