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[ALLY] View/VID prebeta 5 is worth trying

From: carl:rebol at: 30-Aug-2000 21:13

A new REBOL/View is posted in This one is quite interesting because it contains many changes to VID. It also has a test panel built-in to help you find tests without a hassle. In addition, you can add your own test site to the panel... so the rest of us can try out your scripts! Links are added on a first come first serve basis, so reserve your spot in history by adding your site link soon. Click on the What's Up icon for more info about the release. CONVERTING SCRIPTS: ------------------ Most VID scripts can be converted by knowing that: 1) STYLIZE has changed. It now takes a line similar to a LAYOUT. Examples: stylesheet: stylize [ red-btn: button red big-btn: button 200x40 big-red-img-button: button red 200x40 %bay.jpg center-txt: txt center font-size 16 ] To quickly convert, you can use STYLIZ (no E)... which is the old function. But, note that it will be vanishing soon. 2) Use face/data field for accessing the data of a VID face. For instance, to print the choice made on a rotary button, you would write: r: rotary "breakfast" "lunch" "dinner" [print first r/data] This is true with all styles. Note the multiple facets allowed for rotary here. Try: r: rotary "go" green "stop" red "yield" yellow or r: rotary "go" "stop" "yield" green red yellow This is good stuff. Makes VID now the most powerful user interface language ever created. Tell a friend. 3) There are many new styles. For instance, TXT, H1, H2, H3, etc. will give you document face styles (black text without shadows). CREATING A TEST SITE -------------------- I want you to create your own test site, even if you only have one VID script. REBOL needs you. It's important. And, it's fun too. Here's how to create a site: 1) Create a file called index.r in the format: REBOL [] icon "Big Test" %bigtest.r icon "Image" %photo.jpg icon "Link" %docs.html icon "Reply" %replier.r image %myicon.jpg icon "Files" dir %index2.r ; links to another index file 2) Upload the file and any scripts/images to your website. 3) Publish your test site by using the "Add a Site" icon in View (found on the REBOL site page in the sites directory). Give the URL for your index.r file. You can provide an icon for your site as well. 4) Verify that it works, then tell us about it here on the list. 5) Write a lot of scripts and add them to your site. OTHER DOCS ---------- I have a much better VID document nearly ready. Watch for it to appear in View under the REBOL site. There are also entirely new CORE chapters to be published very soon. FEEDBACK -------- Feedback has never been easier. Click on the feedback icon. GO FOR IT --------- I need your help... REBOL needs your help. Now is the time to go for it. Start working on REBOL view scripts today. Publish them toay on your site or on someone else's site. Tell your friends about REBOL. Tell your press contacts about REBOL. Get them helping out. The time for REBOL is now. -Carl