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[REBOL] Re: Async Question

From: charles::wardell::dendrite::com at: 13-Nov-2004 11:05

In this case, It seems like I get the "dns success" message but that's about it. How should I be accessing this through the client. I am simply opening up a rebol session and trying. Testport: open/lines tcp://localhost:9000 Insert a "Hello World" I have also tried Do %atcp-protocol.r Testport: open/lines atcp://localhost:9000 Insert a "Hello World" Thanks Charlie port: open/lines/custom atcp://localhost:9000 [ awake [ foreach event port/locals/events [ either error? event [ close port ;close the atcp port return true ;stop wait ][ switch/default event [ dns-failure [ close port ;close the atcp port print "Cannot resolve the server name" return true ;stop wait ] dns [ print ["dns success:" port/host "=" port/sub-port/port-id] ] max-retry [ close port ;close the atcp port print "Can't connect to server" return true ;stop wait ] connect [ print "Ok, connected" insert port "Hello world!" ] read [ print ["Data read:" copy port] ] write [ print "All data has been written" ] close [ print "Peer closed the connection." close port ;close the atcp port return true ;stop wait ] ][ print "Unexpected event - should not happen" close port return true ;stop wait ] ] ] false ;continue wait ] ] wait-start port wait-list? forever [ wait [] ]