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[ALLY] Re: About View

From: al:bri:xtra at: 29-Mar-2001 22:16

Carl wrote:
> Please let us know your thoughts.
I think the free version of View should include the 'browse word. It's very handy for launching a browser. View will also be good for secondary (age 13 - 18) schools, learning computer language and having graphics as well. It would be a better Logo than Logo is, as well as being far better BASIC than BASIC. As for Link and Express, once I can see how to get a Link application to be able to share data with other Link applications, I can see that it will be useful in organisations for seemingly simple things like electronic Staff absence/present noticeboard; vehicle, room and resources reservations board; messaging across a multi-building organisation. Andrew Martin Lagging behind Rebol... ICQ: 26227169