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[REBOL] Re: AltME: Something new from our team.

From: gordon:raboud:ca at: 21-Nov-2002 20:48

Hi Rishi; I tried to log into your World using guest7/guest7. AltME found the World and tried to connect to the World but came up with the following error box: "Not able to connect at this time." I set up the following world to test: World: Alt Messaging Environment User1: guest1 Pass: pass1 ... User8: guest8 Pass: pass8 Please give it a try. Thanks. [Gordon--raboud--ca]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
On 21/11/2002, 12:38:09 PM, "rishi" <[rishi--adelphia--net]> wrote regarding [REBOL] Re: AltME: Something new from our team.: