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[REBOL] Re: filepath and slash problem

From: chd:1staccess:ca at: 17-Jul-2007 8:02

Hi Sabu, Peter I agree, little pieces of code like this are worth 100 times their wait in gold. I would love to see them added to the core dictionary word definitions. I learned PHP a few years ago studying the example included with the PHP function index docs.(see below) It is the code samples that really made PHP accessible for me and I think REBOL would greatly benefit from this type of code library, included with the word definitions.(see below) On the Mac there is a small program that lists the PHP functions in a list and by clicking on any one, it displays the definitions with one or two pieces of good sample code on the right side of the window. Trivial, but very useful and powerful. Since I'm new to REBOL, something like this would go a long way to increase user access to the language. Mind you it would take a tremendous commitment from seasoned REBOL users to make this happen. Cheers Chris ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- dbase_create (PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5) dbase_create -- Creates a dBase database Description int dbase_create ( string filename, array fields ) dbase_create() creates a dBase database in the file filename, with the fields fields. The fields parameter is an array of arrays, each array describing the format of one field in the database. Each field consists of a name, a character indicating the field type, a length, and a precision. The types of fields available are: L Boolean. These do not have a length or precision. M Memo. (Note that these aren't supported by PHP.) These do not have a length or precision. D Date (stored as YYYYMMDD). These do not have a length or precision. N Number. These have both a length and a precision (the number of digits after the decimal point). C String. Note: The fieldnames are limited in length and must not exceed 10 chars, 0 < chars <= 10. If the database is successfully created, a dbase_identifier is returned, otherwise FALSE is returned. Example 1. Creating a dBase database file <?php // "database" name $dbname = "/tmp/test.dbf"; // database "definition" $def array( array("date", "D"), array("name", "C", 50), array("age", "N", 3, 0), array("email", "C", 128), array("ismember", "L") ); // creation if (!dbase_create($dbname, $def)) echo "<strong>Error!</strong>"; ?>