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[REBOL] Re: advanced view example... for Paul

From: media::quazart::com at: 25-Oct-2001 10:07

OOPS! I just noticed that the (small) image did not go through listar... ah well. You must have the polished.png image from RT in the same drawer as the script... I also noticed that the attached script has some bad code at the end... which was meant for saving a picture of the ui instead of opening it!!! Just replace code at the end with: ;--------------------------------------------------- ;--- START APPLICATION timeline: build-timeline timeline-size time-in time-out main-pane: layout main-ui timeline-box/pane: timeline xwin: make xaos-window [] xwin/setpane main-pane xwin/open -MAx ----- Original Message ----- From: "Media" <[media--quazart--com]> To: "reblist" <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 9:32 AM Subject: [REBOL] advanced view example... for Paul
> Hello World, > > Paul is investigating View... I am currenlty working on a tool which could > help you see some direct view useage. The tool integrates VID and direct > view manipulation... > > I thought it could help some of you to go through it... > > This is a working although completely useless (fopr now) application. I'm > sharing it at this stage mainly for UI learning. Also note the different > approach to setups (using styles, pre-built faces, dynamic face, static
> assignment, etc) are all different solutions I ended up while researching > how view and VID relate to each other... starting from scratch now, I
> really code the tool in a more homogenous way... > > It is NOT optimized, not very commented, but still strikes a nice balance > between advanced and simple (I find)... > > I also was impressed at the speed that the timeline has. > > change the timeline's in and out points by pressing on in/out and dragging > the mouse... > > here goes! > > -MAx > > -- Binary/unsupported file stripped by Listar -- > -- Type: image/png > -- File: polished.png > > -- Attached file included as plaintext by Listar -- > -- File: whip.r > > REBOL[ > title: "whip" > author: "moa" > date: 2001/10/09 > version: 1.0.0 > ] > > ;-------------------------------------- > ;--- global data > ;--- > > timeline-size: 300x65 > tracksize: 20 ;height of each track in timeline > timeruler: 10 ; one bar every x frames > timeruler-offset: 1 ;the offset of the first bar > timeruler-color: 120.120.120 > cut-req: none > timeline-tracks: 0 ; how many tracks in the timeline > shot-list: [] ; description of shots in the timeline (there can be
multiple segments per shot)
> time-in: -3 ; where the timeline starts > time-out: 53 ; where the timeline ends > bg-image: load %polished.png > > gbl-segment-list: [ > [ > ;name in length command > ;------------------------------------------------ > [track-name: "track1" track-color: 0] > ["*1" 1 10 "render3d" ] > ["*2" 21 10 "fixedframe 200"] > ["*3" 41 10 "BLA"] > ["*4 " 11 10 "render3d" ] > ["*5 " 31 10 "render3d" ] > ][ > [track-name: "Total Track" track-color: 1] > ["*10" 1 40 "BLA"] > ] > ] > > color-list: [ > 100.150.255 > 140.200.120 > 200.140.140 > > 150.160.180 > 140.180.150 > 190.170.170 > > 190.190.140 > 210.180.100 > 180.170.190 > > 190.140.210 > 100.190.180 > 160.160.160 > ] > > ;-------------------------------------------------- > ;--- > ;--- OBJECTS > ;--- > ;-------------------------------------------------- > > ;------------------------ > ;--- segment! > ;------------------------ > segment!: make object! [ > name: none > in: 1 > length: 1 > command: none > > from-blk: func [ datablk ][ > name: to-string first datablk > in: second datablk > length: third datablk > command: fourth datablk > ] > ] > > ;------------------------ > ;--- > ;--- active-thing > ;--- > ;--- note: currently used only for segments > ;--- > active-thing: make face [ ; the currently selected "thing". > data: none ; the name of the shot (can be then be retrieved from segment
> type: ; the type of data which is refered by data > face: none ; the face which is associated with this data > active-edge: ; the edge object which is used on the active segment > make object! [ > color: black > effect: none > size: 2x2 > ] > normal-edge: ; the edge object which is used on normal segments > make object! [ > color: 140.140.140 > effect: 'bevel > size: 1x1 > ] > normal-font: make object! [ > name: "arial" > style: 'bold > size: 10 > color: 255.255.255 > offset: 2x2 > space: 0x0 > align: 'center > valign: 'middle > shadow: 1x1 > colors: [255.255.255 255.180.55] > ] > > active-font: make object! [ > name: "arial" > style: 'bold > size: 10 > color: 255.0.0 > offset: 2x2 > space: 0x0 > align: 'center > valign: 'middle > shadow: 1x1 > colors: [255.255.255 255.180.55] > ] > ] > > whip-look: make face [ > thin-edge: make edge [ > color: 140.140.140 > size: 1x1 > effect: 'bevel > ] > > thin-iedge: make edge [ > effect: 'ibevel > color: 140.140.140 > size: 1x1 > ] > > button-font: make font [ > size: 10 > color: white > shadow: 1x1 > ] > button-hifont: make button-font [ > color: 140.180.255 > ] > > ] > > ;------------------------------------------- > ;--- > ;--- STYLES > ;--- > ;------------------------------------------- > q-style: stylize [ > > sbutton: button %polished.png 75x20 > with [font: whip-look/button-font] > edge [size: 1x1 color: 150.150.150] > effect [ tile > contrast 10 > gradmul 0x1 130.130.130 70.70.70 > ;draw ['pen 0.0.255 'box 0x0 (face/size) ] > ] > feel [ > > over: func [face action event] [ > either action [ > face/font: whip-look/button-hifont > show face > ][ > face/font: whip-look/button-font > show face > ] > > ] > ] > vtext: vtext with [feel: none] > groupname: vtext "qtitle" 50x22 edge [effect: 'bevel color: 128.128.128
size: 1x1] %polished.png effect [contrast 20 tile gradcol -1x0 110.110.110 80.90.100]
> ;button: button %polished.png edge [size: 1x1 color: 160.160.160] effect
[tile contrast 30 colorize 180.180.180]
> ibutton: button 160.160.160 edge [size: 1x1 color: 140.140.140] effect
[gradmul 0x-1 140.140.140 100.100.100]
> title: box 150.170.190 font [size: 12 style: [bold ] space: 1x0 ] para
[scroll: 0x-1] shadow 1x1 edge [size: 1x1 color: 140.140.140 effect: 'bevel] effect [gradmul 0x1 140.140.140 100.100.100]
> titleb: button 150.170.190 edge [size: 1x1 color: 140.140.140 effect:
'bevel] effect [gradmul 0x1 140.140.140 100.100.100]
> test: box edge [size: 1x1 color: 140.140.140 effect: 'ibevel ] > > stext: vh3 220.180.20 shadow -1x-1 feel [engage: func [a1 a2 a3] [] over:
none redraw: none detect: none]
> sfield: field 50x20 edge [size: 1x1] effect [gradient 1x1 100.150.240
0.60.120] font [color: white]
> > titlebar: title feel [ > engage: func [face action event][ > either action = 'down [ > face/data: event/offset > ][ > if find [away over] action [ > win: face/parent-face > win/offset: win/offset + event/offset - face/data > show win > ] > ] > ] > > ] > > ] > > ;-------------------------- > ;--- UI > ;--- > xaos-window: make object! [ > > wsize: 500x200 > tsize: 480x15 > tlabel: "Default Window" > wcontent: none > > wpane: make face [] > > regen-window: func [][ > tmp-win: layout [ > styles q-style > across > space 0x0 > origin 0x0 > titlebar tlabel tsize edge [size: 1x1] > titleb "X" 20x15 [close] edge [size: 1x1] > return > wcontent: box para [margin: 2x2] wsize red * .75 > ] > > wcontent/pane: wpane > > window: tmp-win > > ] > > window: none > > setpane: func [newpane] [ > newpane/offset: 0x0 > wpane: newpane > if wcontent [ > wcontent: newpane > print "HO" > ] > autosize > ] > > autosize: does [ > wsize: wpane/size > tsize: ((wsize * 1x0) + (-20x15)) > ;wcontent/offset: 0x0 > if wcontent [ > wcontent/offset: 0x0 > print "HEY" > ] > ] > > open: does [ > regen-window > window/offset: 300x100 > view/options window 'no-title > > ] > > close: does [unview window ] > ] > > main-ui: [ > tabs 60 > styles q-style > ;origin 0x0 > backdrop %polished.png effect [contrast 20 tile gradcol 1x1 100.100.100
> across > space 0x20 > do [ > tbar: layout [ > styles q-style > backdrop black > origin 2x3 > space 0x0 > across > pad 0x2 > ttitle: groupname "projects" > return > sbutton "save" > sbutton "load" > sbutton "clear" > ] > tbar/offset: 0x0 > ttitle/size/x: tbar/size/x - 4 > ] > box with [pane: tbar size: tbar/size + 2x2] edge [size: 1x1 color:
140.140.140 effect: 'ibevel]
> return > do [ > tbar: layout [ > styles q-style > backdrop black > origin 2x3 > space 0x0 > across > pad 0x2 > ttitle: groupname "segment" > return > sbutton "new" > sbutton "edit" > sbutton "delete" > ] > tbar/offset: 0x0 > ttitle/size/x: tbar/size/x - 4 > ] > box with [pane: tbar size: tbar/size + 2x2] edge [size: 1x1 color:
140.140.140 effect: 'ibevel]
> return > space 0x20 > return > space 0x0 > return > do [ > tbar: layout [ > styles q-style > backdrop black > origin 2x3 > space 0x0 > across > pad 0x2 > ttitle: groupname "Timeline" > return > pad 0x2 > timeline-box: box black (timeline-size + 2x1) > return > sbutton "in" 30 feel [ > engage: func [face action event][ > if action = 'down [ > face/data: reduce [event/offset/x time-in ] > face/edge: whip-look/thin-iedge > show face > ] > if action = 'up [ > face/edge: whip-look/thin-edge > show face > ] > if find [over away] action [ > ;probe face/data > time-in: ((first face/data) - event/offset/x) + second face/data > if time-in >= time-out [ > time-in: time-out - 1 > change next face/data (time-out - 1) > change face/data event/offset/x > ] > ;print [time-in "->" time-out] > timeline: build-timeline timeline-size time-in time-out > timeline-box/pane: timeline > show timeline-box > ] > > ] > redraw: none > ] > sbutton "out" 30 feel [ > engage: func [face action event][ > > if action = 'down [face/data: reduce [event/offset/x time-out ] print
down ]