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From: cyphre:volny:cz at: 30-Aug-2001 10:30

Hi all ALLIES, Seems like all of you(include me) have died off or disapear from this list ;-). Rest of us rather shows their "Guru abilities" to r-newbies (I have nothing against r-newbies and spreading the Rebolution but the recent situation between rebol developers/testers seems really srange to me ;-) ) instead of concentrate on real /View problems and the future way of Rebol/View(and not only /View). I don't want to start any flame wars against anyone here. I was just thinking about the fact that we haven't seen almost any progress from our lovely RT gang for about half year. Where are the "dynamic times" of rebol experimental versions? Where are the great and wothwhile discussions on ALLY or even /Express conference? I believe RT continue developing of their cool products but it seems to me they are loosing contact with us testers and developers... Here are my(and not only mine) first thoughts to change this situation: -we need on-line bugreport db(RT: what about to settle "BUGGIES" rebsite with simmilar application like bug db in /Express?) -we need access to experimental builds like before (RT: or you don't need testing anymore ;-) ) I'm writing this beacuse I want to see you waking up for the next versions of Rebol/View, to hear your opinions, thoughts about new features etc. Such way could have built new, better, closer way of communication with our don't hesitate, go on! Back to the roots! Cyphre