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[ALLY] Re: Ok, so we can't yet have REBOL on a Palm; notenough memory...

From: kracik:mbox:dkm:cz at: 27-Oct-2000 11:32

Hi Chaz, I don't think that consoles are good at doing same things as computers. They are now designed so that you can just turn it on, put the CD or cartridge in and play. The internet-ready consoles have Internet connection and TCP/IP stack for playing online games, but no applications like web browsers or email programs. Perhaps the Amiga consoles and Dreamcast are an exception that they are actually normal computers packed as a console. But, AFAIK, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Playstation 2 and X-Box are designed only for games and it would be difficult to write normal applications for them. I know there are visions of home computer, set-top box and game console merged together, but I think current console companies have no interest in it. As for expanding a console to a "full" computer, you could expand Amiga CD32 with additional modules, you got hard disk, mouse, keyboard, parallel and serial ports and video output to a monitor instead of TV. IIRC people did this when there was a shortage of Amiga 1200s. Is there a huge market for REBOL in consoles? I can imagine REBOL/View with sound and full motion video capabilities as a great development tool for console games and multimedia encyclopedias and such. And game developers could use REBOL dialects to script their games, instead of inventing UnrealScript or using C and a virtual machine like Quake 3. But these uses are not specific to consoles, they would be also useful for computers. Regards, -- Michal Kracik chaz wrote: