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[REBOL] Re: to-pair error ? (API exercise)

From: ljurado::bariloche::com::ar at: 14-Jul-2001 15:59

;Thanks! to Brett and Terry my "Where is the Mouse ?" is very "reduced" ;View/pro - Windows u32lib: load/library %user32.dll pos: make struct! [x [int] y [int]] none get-cursor: make routine! [ p [struct! [x [int] y [int]]] return: [int]] u32lib "GetCursorPos" cursor: view/options/new layout [origin 0x0 f: field 60] [NO-TITLE] forever[ get-cursor pos cursor/offset: (f/text: to-pair reduce [pos/x pos/y]) + 0x50 show [cursor f]] ;Luis RJ