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[REBOL] Re: strange results with decimal!

From: holger:rebol at: 10-Jan-2002 8:59

On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 10:43:14PM +0800, [philb--upnaway--com] wrote:
> Hi Thorsten, > > I would think that the problem is the way computers hold decimals. > As a decimal is held as a binary representaion of the decimal in a finite number of digits (usually 16,32 or 64) in most cases it cannot hold a decimal exactly and some rounding occurs. > > We dont know how internally Rebol hold decimal numbers but as its C based it may well hold them in base 2 decimal form.
REBOL uses whatever format the platform it is running on uses. Typically this is IEEE double precision, i.e. base-2. -- Holger Kruse [holger--rebol--com]