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[REBOL] Re: Objects, references & values

From: rotenca:telvia:it at: 20-Dec-2001 14:26

Hi, Robert
> Hi, :-)) as non native english speaker it's not so easy to describe a
> that detailed, that the others can follow...
I can't speak well of my english, but yours seem good to me.
> > >> ob: context [name: "romano"] > > >> h: append append make hash! [] get in ob 'name in ob 'name > > == make hash! ["romano" name] > > >> change ob/name "dolores" > > == "" > > >> h > > == make hash! ["dolores" name] > > Hmm... what happens if we have several names here? Would this result in: > > ["dolores" name "romano" name ...] > > Why the 'name entry? With such a hash! I could search for a name value and
get a
> 'name word that is linked to the address object, right?
yes. So you could retrieve the object with a: probe get bind 'self select h "dolores" ; if you are sure that self is well defined in the object and "dolores" in the hash
> Would it be possible to > use 'self instead of 'name? I used numbers as object index because these
> change if reduced twice.
>> h: append append make hash! [] get in ob 'name in ob 'self
== make hash! ["romano" self] but if you prefer, you could put a direct pointer to the object:
>> h: append append make hash! [] get in ob 'name get in ob 'self
== make hash! ["romano" make object! [ name: "romano" ]] --- Ciao Romano