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[REBOL] Re: XML comments >> implications for R3

From: moliad::gmail::com at: 10-Sep-2007 2:49

xml is just a file format. file as in "data" (not actual hardcopies). the fact that some idiots made DB which is accessed and stored totaly in XML is well, laughable... but let them. I store some data in xml (cause its used as such internally by all systems, so its more efficient not to convert it all the time), but not in an XML db as such. people have a right to be slow, inefficient, costly, it lets us be quick and run around them. but xml is about one common format for everyone and any tool. and as jason described, the tools which work with xml really are starting to deliver. many people don't even "see" the actual xml files, anymore. I know how you feel, really I do. In my own tests, xml can be double to 10 times the size of the same data with no compression, using rebol blocks. but in the real world, we need to speak to other systems. and I can tell you that it could be a hell of a lot worse than XML. :-) For me, the bad side is when people see xml as something else than a format , a way to interchange. unfortunately, xml has become a golden hammer. its an end-all buzz word for many of those un-skilled and non-programmer managers, who buy stuff from clueless salesmen who know only that they have to push this "thing" their boss tells them to. remember, the known evil is infinitely less dangerous than the unknown itself. -MAx On 9/10/07, Alessandro Manotti <> wrote: