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[REBOL] Re: System

From: agem:crosswinds at: 8-Jun-2001 21:28

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ursprüngliche Nachricht <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Am 08.06.01, 19:56:46, schrieb "Ted Poe" <[poet--world--std--com]> zum Thema [REBOL] Re: System:
> Just out of curiosity, how long should this take? The first method
ran for
> over an hour on a 0.5 GHz PIII under WinNT before I got this email and > decided enough was enough. Jeff's method has been at it about an hour
now. looong. if you do this after opening the desktop. somewhere is suggested to put the dumping in %user.r so nothing is opend. once faces are shown it goes quite heavy (if terminating at all).
> Ted