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[REBOL] tcp spy ?

From: patrick:philipot:laposte at: 10-Aug-2003 12:11

Hi List I am looking for a script/an example/a piece of code to spy what is going on between a server and a client. The server, dbtcp.exe, is listening on tcp://3000. The client, DBTCPClientTest.exe, is sending its request on the same port. My goal is to write a Rebol client, but I don't know exactly what the client is sending and what the server is answering. So I wonder it is perhaps possible to write a Rebol program to dump the data. I have tried a few things, but it is too hard for me! Note: the port number can be changed on both the client and the server, and for the moment both programs are on the same machine. Any help will be greatly appreciated... Regards Patrick