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[REBOL] Re: secure none (was: Re: secure: none)

From: antonr::iinet::net::au at: 17-May-2003 15:46

I assume Brett means that if you put secure none in your user.r file, then you will become accustomed to using it and forget about it. Then one day you run a malicious or buggy script that wipes some data without warning. To prevent this kind of disaster I have set up two links to run rebol/view. One with all my custom user.r stuff activated and one without: - D:\Anton\Dev\Rebol\View\rebol.exe -- "do-anton-user?: true" - D:\Anton\Dev\Rebol\View\rebol.exe (as normal) Now in my user.r I have this line: if value? 'do-anton-user? [do %anton-user.r] where the file anton-user.r has all my customizations in it. So it is easy for me to drop back to "secure/compatibility" mode to try scripts that have been posted publically. It is also a good way to test my own scripts when I feel that they are good enough for public release. Anton Rolls.