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[REBOL] Re: Google + SOAP

From: andreas:bolka:gmx at: 20-Apr-2002 17:10

Saturday, April 20, 2002, 5:32:00 AM, Carl wrote:
> I think it's good to invent some smart way to make Web Services > easier via REBOL.
Most people on the list will agree to that :)
> So, that's the best way to get there from here? For example:
I think you've got an important typo here, that explains the (imho) strange replies. Shouldn't it be "So, WHAT'S the best way to get there from here?" ? I'm very interested in the "best way" too, so go on dear REBOLers and reply as if this was the question :) -- Best regards, Andreas mailto:[andreas--bolka--gmx--net]