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[REBOL] Re: Flash tech? Was Re: Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 17:20:09

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 22-Nov-2001 0:51

Ammon Johnson wrote:
>----- Original Message ----- >From: "Cyphre" <[cyphre--seznam--cz]> >To: <[rebol-list--rebol--com]> >Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 10:52 AM >Subject: [REBOL] Re: Flash tech? Was Re: Re: (No subject)Date: Tue, 20 Nov >2001 17:20:09 -0500 > >>Hi Jason, Donald and all, >> >>I'm everyday working with Macromedia Director so I don't have so much >>experience with Flash directly but I think these two products are very >>similar in some aspects. >>From my POV Macromedia stuff and their philosophy is very poor against >>Rebol. Yes, Flash and Director has some more gfx features than /View but >>man, It is version 5(Flash) and 8.5(Director)!! I think Macromedia has >> >just > >>one big monopol in their "internet-multimedia" field/market because there >> >is > >>not almost any good alternative technology to compete with. >>If RT guys would work on /View multimedia stuff intesively for about one >>year they could have made /View as a big competitior against >>Flash(Director). Rebol/View, although it lacks (for now) things like >> >vector > >>gfx, font engine, rotation, alpha channels, free sound, streaming, >>multimedia format support, embedded plugin, it has lots of >> >advatnages...very > >>good core, the language itself, the communication stuff such as ports, >>protocols, and very good mutiplatfom standard quality, cheap prize. >> > >And there is no doubt in my mind that Carl is already headed there! > >Enjoy!! >Ammon >
Ammon - I would not like to dissapoint you, but - although Carl told us some year ago that multimedia is his second name and that Holger reworking effect pipeline seems to be priority to him, RT still has to solve other things - IOS e.g. So, as for media stuff, e.g. additions asked by Cyphre and possibly others (exposed convolve, rotation, ability to recursively stop events ("freeze faces" while in view) and other few twists to view kernel - better ask Cyphre about them), I think, sadly, we will have to wait .... It is a shame, because we have few skilled rebollers here, who could produce more eye candy stuff and attract more ppl to Rebol that way ... -pekr-