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[REBOL] Re: IOS and presentations with Audio

From: rebol-list2:seznam:cz at: 24-Oct-2002 21:58

Hello Petr, Wednesday, October 23, 2002, 8:11:29 AM, you wrote:
>> that spurred me to comment. (After all, you complained on Link >>that people don't respond enough to your comment, making you look like you >>are alone. So here I am! :-) >>
PK> Yes, but I complained from the different POV. Ppl here feel, that PK> situation with rebol is strange, that RT is mostly not communicating PK> with ml, there are no new official releases for far too long, no proper PK> answers from feedback, no development roadmap, etc. etc. So I sometimes PK> expressed my opinion, but only very few of you supported me. So in RT's PK> eyes it could be translated as "Ah, Petr complaining once again, nothing PK> new", while OTOH the problem was felt similarly by many of us here ... I agree with you, Petr, that RT is not enough communicating with us. For example I think it would be better to hear from Carl, that he just wants to spend some time on holiday (maybe making his own vine) or that he just needs some time to finish somethink what we cannot understand at all than to let us guess what's going on in RT. oldes PS: not to be so negative: Rebol is still the best tool anyway.