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[REBOL] web counter, next-page method?

From: petr:krenzelok:trz:cz at: 7-Apr-2004 9:45

Hi, I will soon prepare some part of portal. Let's suppose I get data from db, I have template system, where I simply put data into table or whatever xhtml structure. Now what I am not sure about how to do is - e.g. my table will have 30 rows, db query returns 150 rows, so I need to introduce some next-page continuation mechanism. Any suggestions? That is not about search & replace only. xtml template is designed by our gfx designer, cgi/data part is mine responsibility. We just set yesterday and our designer asked, what should he put into xhtml template? And now I am not sure how to do it. Maybe it could use similar aproach as when you construct gfx based counter? Dunno. Any suggestions, examples? Thanks, -pekr-