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[REBOL] Re: text-list bug

From: carl:cybercraft at: 18-Sep-2002 21:27

On 18-Sep-02, [philb--upnaway--com] wrote:
> Hi All, > After selecting multiple items from a text list it doesnt seem > possible to unselect a particular item. They get unselected in the > order that they were selected. > for example type at the console > view layout [text-list data [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]] > Hold down the ctrl key ... select items 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 in that order, > then try and unselect item 5 by ctrl clicking on it .... item 1 is > unselected? > Is this a known bug?
Hi Phil, I don't get that with Amiga View - item 5 is unselected as you would expect. Have you tested it from a fresh console? (It's just possible you'd corrupted the text-list style somehow.) If so, I'd report it to feedback, with a mention of which OS you're using. It certainly looks like a bug. -- Carl Read