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[REBOL] Re: Email thru LAN

From: greggirwin::mindspring::com at: 12-May-2005 23:59

Hi Lee, LP> I am a Rebol new guy and am trying to email to someone outside my LAN. We LP> have a UNIX mail server and I have been able to mail to myself from my pc, LP> after fixing MacAfee to let the mail thru. When I use send mail with the LP> address of a user outside of our LAN, I get user does not have an account LP> here error in my mail box. I am missing something here. Where can I get LP> more info about the mail in Rebol? You can use SOURCE on the SEND function and turn network tracing on with TRACE/NET, but I don't have any known answers on hand for this one. Hopefully a mail expert will chime in here with some advice. -- Gregg