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[REBOL] Re: newbie: run .r

From: rebol665::ifrance::com at: 15-Jan-2002 21:53

Hi, Part 1 You are in the desktop. Click on the console icon. From here you just have to type : do %myprogram.r. (do not forget the % that indicates a file ) Part 2 You want to run a program from the desktop. You will have to put the program name in a special file. Right click on the local folder, and edit the index.r file. An index file is like this REBOL [Title: "Local Index" Type: 'index] title "Local Files" folder "miniskin" %/d/rebol/local/mini-aqua-blue/index.r file "Tetris" %/d/rebol/local/library/rebtris.r You will find a full explanation of the desktop usage in the RT site ( HTH Patrick