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[REBOL] Re: Sameness - an abstract approach.

From: g:santilli:tiscalinet:it at: 13-Feb-2003 19:25

Hi Ladislav, On Thursday, February 13, 2003, 3:21:45 PM, you wrote: LM> there is only one Rebol integer number 1 not having any position at all, Your conclusion is not correct. You can conclude that integers do not have a position, but you cannot say that there is only one 1 . Both possibilities are valid, i.e. it is possible that there is only one "1", and it is possible that there are multiple "1"s. Imagine I give you a piece of paper; it is white and has the size of 5 cm by 5 cm. Now you give it back to you, and I give back to you a piece of paper that is white and has the size of 5 cm by 5 cm, and I ask to you: "is this THE SAME piece of paper I gave you earlier?". Can you answer this question? If after that I give you two pieces of paper that are both white and have the size of 5 cm by 5 cm and I ask you: "are these two THE SAME piece of paper?", what would your answer be? Regards, Gabriele. -- Gabriele Santilli <[g--santilli--tiscalinet--it]> -- REBOL Programmer Amigan -- AGI L'Aquila -- REB: