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[REBOL] Re: What's wrong with Ruby

From: Michael_Chean:msn at: 21-Mar-2007 15:44

Yes that was my thought as well... why wasn't rebol mentioned or even on the raidar? Open source status is my guess.. But elegance is a big concern of mine. I'm looking for languages that are fun to work in, and part of that is how expressive they are. Mike ----- Original Message ----- From: Tim Johnson<> To:<> Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 7:42 AM Subject: [REBOL] Re: What's wrong with Ruby On Wednesday 21 March 2007 21:04, Michael Chean wrote:
> Interesting article... ><<> >m/2/What-s-Wrong-With-Ruby>
I'm more interested in what's right than what's wrong. :-) :-( and why wasn't rebol mentioned. I use rebol and python about 50/50. Despite what is said in that article, I find python impressively well and thoughtfully designed, but it takes more code than rebol to get things done. BTW the python 2.5 executable on linux is 4136308, compared to 332052 for rebol/core - that's 12.456* greater hit on system resources. tim -- Tim Johnson <<>> Palmer, Alaska, USA -- To unsubscribe from the list, just send an email to lists at with unsubscribe as the subject.