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From: kolla::nvg::ntnu::no at: 24-Mar-2001 3:49

On Fri, 23 Mar 2001, Holger Kruse wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 09:46:57AM +0100, Paolo Russo wrote: > > Yes, at last an UNIX box with a first class interface. Unfortunately, > > it seems the Mac platform has a very low priority for Rebol Tech > > guys. > > No, not at all. Core is currently available in four versions for > MacOS (68k, PPC and FAT for MacOS 7/8/9, and PPC for MacOS X). Our > MacOS X box has been down with hardware problems for a while, but > those problems appear to be resolved now, after some long hours > during the last few days. We expect the upcoming Core 2.5 release > to be available in all four Mac versions.
Four is not all :) There's A\UX (68k) as well, and ..ahm.. Newton OS (SA110) :) -- kolla