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[REBOL] Re: Reverse API

From: karlr20::home::com at: 13-Jun-2001 10:15

On Tuesday 12 June 2001 20:29, Terry Brownell wrote:
> Hello. > > Q. Is there any way to access Rebol as an API? > > Interesting thought isn't it? > > T Brownell
Not only interesting but highly desirable. When I learned about REBOL (before it was available and before is was being called Lava) the very first thing I wanted to do with it was use it as a 'modern' cross-platform AREXX replacement. AREXX was wonderful in that it allowed applications to extend the language (adding 'natives' from whatever language your app was written in) and share a common macro/scripting language. That is what I thought REBOL was going to be. When that didn't happen I was sure REBOL/Command would be embeddable in a C application. It seems to me that RT is more interested in making REBOL its own isolated platform (witness the view 'desktop' and the reluctance to make a browser plug-in) rather than a tool which can be embedded in other systems. If I could change only one thing about REBOL it would be this: To be able to define natives and call REBOL code from my C apps. -Karl