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From: bry:itnisk at: 20-Mar-2003 13:23

>How should such a datatype behave?
Am not sure as to a datatype for an xml instance being useful, if there were such a thing it would probably be related to the infoset: It seems to me that if there were to be an xml datatype there would actually be at least two: one for well-formed xml and one for malformed xml. So two markup datatypes. Load a html page, check datatype, if badMarkup run markup cleaner function if goodMarkup call xhtml-browser.r with html page. And so forth. However I think that having a datatype for an xml instance itself is not too useful. The xml specification has a number of basic 'xml' datatypes anyway. An ID could be considered as an xml datatype, an entity another, anything in the xml: namespace is generally discussed as being an xml datatype. Am going to eat lunch now but I would like to discuss more on this issue. As an aside there has been a recent thread on xml-dev on how insufficient most XML-APIs are for dealing well with xml, which I don't think is necessarily so, however as this is an area for widespread dissatisfaction if rebol were to provide a credible way of handling xml it could help spur an influx of very smart people to the community.